Monday, May 19, 2008

Extra Credit--Reading/Essay/Project

The following is an assignment that is not required of students to complete, but that students may do in order to receive extra credit. I recommend that you do it, especially if you have a low percentage in the class.

Step 1: Read one of the following stories:
1. The Waters of Babylon (textbook)
2. The Marginal World (textbook)
3. Morte d'Arthur (textbook)
4. Ghosts (by Henrik Ibsen--not in textbook)
5. Adonais (by Percy Byshee Shelley--not in textbook)

Step 2: Choose either to write an essay (step 2A) on the story or to do a project (step 2B) on the story.

Step 2A (Essay): After reading one of the stories, write an essay (minimum of 5 paragraphs) on the topic of your choosing. Be sure to clear the topic with Mr. Hall before writing it. If you cannot think of a good topic to write on, ask Mr. Hall for recommended essay prompts.

Step 2B (Project): After reading one of the stories, complete a "report ball" on the information from the reading. Please see Mr. Hall with specific questions, especially with construction of the ball. The report ball has 12 sides. The necessary information that should appear on each side is as follows:

1. Title
2. Author
3. Settings
4. Summary of what happened in the beginning of the story
5. Summary of what happened in the middle of the story
6. Summary of what happened in the end of the story
7. Favorite part of the story and why
8. Favorite character in the story and why
9. Main characters of the story along with descriptions and importance to the plot
10. Recommendation (would you recommend this story for others to read. Explain why or why not)
11. Picture/Drawing of a theme or event from the story
12. Your Name

*This assignment is due on Friday, May 30th

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