Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Poetry Essay Example

The following is a very rough and incomplete draft on the various parts of a Response to Literature Essay based upon poetry. This is to be used as a guide to assist you in your writing.

Most poets use a wide range of literary devices to establish meaning in their works. In Carl Sandburg’s “Jazz Fantasia” many literary devices are used to bring an image of jazz music and musicians to life. Sandburg masterfully uses literary techniques such as imagery, personification, and simile to bring both the instruments and the music itself to life in the mind of the reader.

Imagery is an important literary device that authors use to create mind pictures for the reader. Sandburg describes the playing of instruments by musicians when he states, “Sob on the long, cool winding saxophones” (2). The sobbing on the saxophone offers the reader the sound that a musician creates when playing blues music. It is sad, and affects an individual just as if they heard someone crying. This concept of bringing the work to life is also seen when he says, “ [NOTICE THAT I DID NOT FINISH THIS PARAGRAPH--THE REASON BEING THAT I DO NOT WISH TO USE UP ALL OF THE EXAMPLES IF ONE OF YOU CHOOSE TO WRITE ON THIS PARTICULAR POEM. A BODY PARAGRAPH NEEDS TWO QUOTES AND TWO EXPLANATIONS OF THE QUOTES].

As we see, Sandburg displayed his excellent skill in using imagery, personifaction, and simile in order to bring the poem to life. These uses displayed both sad and happy emotions that the musicians imparted to their listeners. Anyone who loves both music and poetry will appreciate the use of these techniques that have made the poem more than just words on paper.

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